the thing about the community i'm a part of is that people are rarely constant. what i mean is there's a lot of coming and going, people's visas run out, their trips come to an end, family issues etc. after a while you get used to it, you get used to the farewell dinners, saying goodbye, the final hug for who knows how long, the "i'll come visit you when i come to (insert country name here)" or just "i'll see you in the glory". it just becomes a part of what we do. but every so often someone comes and goes and it's like you blink and they're here and they walk into your life at the time you needed an angel, a sister, a friend. and they totally change your life, even in 3 weeks. and you feel like you've known them your whole life and you'll always be sisters. and they leave but the goodbye is sweet in the knowing that God crossed your paths at that particular moment in time, that he took the two of you, ants, and let you grow together for 21 days. and the goodbye is sweet because you know and you know and you know that you'll meet again. before the glory. to my angel, kelly spencer. for arriving in my nightmare and waking me up to the reason i do what i do and the reality that the world is actually full of people who genuinely care and love. and i am forever thankful for everything you've given me. your joy overflows. you are always in my heart. see you soon.